Duncan McCall Conservation | Restoration | Repair

My Services

A course of treatment for an object might include some or all of the following stages:

  • Assessment: examining and photographing the object to assess its nature, condition, and any previous repairs
  • Planning a treatment proposal in consultation with the owner / stakeholder
  • Cleaning the object and dismantling previous repairs as appropriate
  • Bonding any breaks with appropriate conservation-grade adhesives
  • Filling any gaps with appropriate conservation-grade materials. Colour-filling techniques are used to minimise the obscuring of original material
  • Modelling and replacing any missing parts (handles, finials, decorative features etc)
  • Retouching by hand / gilding to match missing decoration

Full condition assessments and detailed treatment reports can be provided if required.

Standards: All services are carried out in accordance with the best practices set out in the Institute of Conservation's Code of Conduct (https://www.icon.org.uk/the-institute-of-conservation-s-code-of-conduct.html) and Ethical Guidelines (https://www.icon.org.uk/resources/resources-for-conservation-professionals/standards-and-ethics/icon-ethical-guidance.html). Best Health & Safety and COSHH practices are always adopted.

Security: The studio is built to high security specifications with a full alarm system, security cameras and secure storage facilities. It is a well-managed, fully-equipped space with an excellent range of up-to-date conservation equipment and materials.

Duncan McCall Conservation | Restoration | Repair